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9 Practical Ways To Gain More Comments On Instagram

By Victoria M. Jun 4, 2020

What does every brand on Instagram want? More likes, comments, and re-posts, of course! In other words, all brands are eager to get a high engagement level. That’s why the content distributed by brands aims to evoke feelings and emotions from followers and visitors. 

When you start promoting your business on Instagram, the first thing you should think of is your goal – do you want to get more followers and likes or you want to lead more potential customers to your website? Depending on your goal, you should create a robust strategy. 

In today’s article, we will tell you how to create content that nudges people to interact with your posts and share some strategies you can use to get more comments on Instagram.

#1 Focus on the content quality

Think of the appearance of your Instagram account.

What are three main components of a successful post on Instagram? A vivid image, a catchy caption, and a tempting offer. If you neglect one of these components, you will definitely ruin the entire magic of your Instagram post. 

Simply speaking, if you are using a low-quality image, you won’t interest potential customers (or even your own followers). And this rule works not just for one post. Look at your account in general. Does it look appealing to you? Do all the images and videos match each other? Analyze the appearance of your Instagram account to find weak points and fix them to gain more comments on Instagram. 

#2 Post user-generated content

One of the simplest but highly effective options is to use content made by your users and customers

You can diversify your account’s content with your brand-related posts that were made by your customers or followers. This way both you and your customer get benefits: you share great social proof content, and a customer reaches more people and gains more likes. But, this is always a wise idea to ask the user for their permission to share their post before you do it to avoid potential negative or problems. 

#3 Ask your followers a question

Try to communicate with your customers! Ask them a question or answer on their ones
You also can create a simple game to entertain your followers

One of the most widely used ways to elicit a reaction from your followers is questions! Moreover, Instagram provides numerous opportunities to use this option. 

First, you can write your question in the caption of your post. 

Second, you can utilize your image for this purpose and put a text on it to draw more attention to the question. 

And, we shouldn’t forget about Stories! This is a rather good place to communicate with followers! Within Stories, you can use a poll, create a questionnaire with several answers, or record a short live video to get feedback. All these tools can help you to increase engagement and get more comments on Instagram.

#4 Use hashtags 

Use hashtags if you want to get at more people interested in your business or in the topic of your posts

Hashtags are an amazing tool to reach thousands of people at no cost. Actually, they are some kind of keywords on social media that help people to find the content they are interested in. If you want to show your posts to as many people as possible, use a mix of trending and brand-specific hashtags. This way you remain unique and at the same time get all the benefits from using hashtags. 

If you don’t know how to come up with the idea for your hashtags, try various hashtag generators such as Display Purposes or Seek Metrics. 

#5 Reply, reply, reply 

All the comments matter and it will be better to answer as many of them as you can

Show people that you want to communicate with them – answer comments on your posts. Whether it is a single word or emoji or a long-read response to a question, it will show your appreciation and encourage your followers to leave comments over and over again. Plus, it will help you build a deeper connection with potential (and existing) customers. 

#6 Run your own giveaway

All people love gifts and willingly take part in your giveaway

Obviously, people like to take part in giveaways. That’s why this is a great way to boost your account engagement. We already told about tricks of holding giveaways in this article

#7 Use Instagram Stories to show a sneak peek

Lure followers and potential customers and make them watch your stories and posts

Are you about to sell something new? Is there an upcoming sale or giveaway? Why not tell followers about that in Stories to whet their appetite and make them wait for this event? 

Plus, this is a good way to not only gain comments on your feed posts, but also get a lot of private messages and reactions on Stories (that also surge your engagement level). 

#8 Share a new post on your Instagram Story

To increase the number of viewers, you can always to share posts in Stories

This is not a secret that due to Instagram’s algorithm, there is a high possibility that not all your followers see your newest posts. But Instagram Stories are always on the top of the screen. This fact makes them a good place to highlight your newest posts and show them to more people. 

#9 Try sponsored posts

Sometimes paid promotion is the only way to get your posts to the feeds of Instagram users. To run your ad, you can use Facebook Business Manager because Instagram is owned by Facebook. By the way, you can learn 9 ideas on how to optimize your Facebook ad here

In conclusion

Promoting your brand on Instagram isn’t simple but we hope that this article will help you to get better results and gain more comments on your posts. All these 9 tips are quite easy to implement in your Instagram marketing strategy. 

Tell us if you already use one of these methods and what you are going to try now in the comments section below! And don’t forget that you can always automate your social accounts and let Social Rabbit run it without your constant control.

By Victoria M.
Victoria is a marketing specialist at Social Rabbit. She always looks for great promotional ideas and finds ways of their realization
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